The VarStarDwarves Project

Claus A. Gössl, Jan Snigula, Ulrich Hopp, Heinz Barwig

This page here summarizes the results of the VarStarDwarves project (supported by DFG grant Ho1812 and Ho1813). In order to give an overview on the project goals I will quote the the formal application for the DFG grant:
"The determination of the stellar evolution of dwarf galaxies (DG) allows to derive constraints on models of galaxy evolution. One basic requirement is information on the exact distance of the DG. The observation of adequate samples of variable stars (VS) provides the means of improving present distance determinations. To collect those samples we will apply image processing methods which were developed for micro lensing studies to detect VS in nearby DG far beyond current limits. In addition all VS found will indicate the DG stellar content and therefore its evolutionary state. [...]"

The Objects at a glance

This is work in progress. For now I have to leave you with just a teaser image:

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