
Aura Obreja

Post-doc researcher

Aura Obreja

The galaxy structure finder (gsf)

gsf is a Python/Fortran-OpenMP code that identifies dynamical structures (e.g., thin/thick disks, bulges, stellar halos) in relaxed simulated galaxies (Obreja et al. 2018). The code employs the open source library scikit-learn to search for clusters in a 3D space of stellar dynamical variables. The next step is to fully automatize gsf such that it can choose the optimal number of structures/clusters without any user input.

gsf gsf gsf applied to a NIHAO Milky Way analog

The first version of gsf is available here.


I have implemented the imaging mode for GRASIL-3D, including the post-processing code that takes into account the redshift and outputs spectral energy distributions and images in bands ranging from GALEX/FUV to Herschel/SPIRE. GRASIL-3D is a radiative transfer grid code written in Fortran/MPI, which couples the dust models in GRASIL with the output of cosmological simulations.

gsf GRASIL-3D applied to a MaGICC galaxy

Physically motivated sub-grid recipes for simulation codes

In recent years I have been using the N-body SPH code Gasoline2 to run zoom-in cosmological simulations of galaxies. Currently, I am working on an implementation for this code of the local radiation field effects on the gas in galaxies.

gsf A massive NIHAO galaxy with and without local radiation field feedback (Obreja et al. in prep.)