data Visualisation

VR allows complete immersion into the virtual world, allowing an unprecedented hands-on feel of the data that one is working with. Our VR-Tool provides a work environment which can be fully controlled from inside VR without the need to skip back to desktop: loading of the data, manipulating it and interacting with other users all can be done in the virtual world. For creating our tool we used the Unreal Engine 4 game engine, which provided a number of convenient functions that simplified the development.

In the first step the user is spawned in a Lobby, where they are presented with a possibility to choose their subject and a work environment to their liking. For test purposes we have created a sample of discipline choices, for the final product or products the menus can be modified accordingly. Furthermore, additional or different work environments can also be created to suit the user's needs and preferences. The main focus of our Pilot Project was VR-Visualisation of astrophysical simulation data, due to its availability to us, and so at the moment only astrophysical data is fully represented (as far as our prototype tool can go), the rest of the subjects are represented purely as outlook examples for the future applications. We also have a few demo examples of other types of visualisation under the "Demos" selection.

In the work place environment the user can move around, manipulate data and switch between the room and world mode. We have created a comprehensive interactive environment to facilitate this. For manipulation of data there are two menus available: a browser type menu and a hand menu.

On the browser type menu the user can choose what files they want to load, data type and a colour scheme. A laser pointer has been introduced to simplify choosing the required options. For data files we have implemented a browsing feature equivalent to the conventional one, so the users can easily browse their drives and directories to find the relevant files. For the data type we have at the moment implemented only text files and our own VRFormat, but this can be upgraded to include other data formats. For the simulation codes we have currently explored the representations of particle and grid codes, such as GADGET and Ramses and our example files reflect that. This can be of course expanded to include other types of simulations and observational data. Note that the implementation of different kinds of codes may require additional techniques and tweaks on our part for data to look at its best. In addition our own VRFormat greatly reduces the data loading time, however an automatic conversion module is yet to be implemented. Furthermore, more options can be added to the menu.

For the future development, we plan to implement more advanced features of data manipulation, like selecting and enhancing smaller areas, data dumping for selected areas, and whatever else might be requested. Tests with multiple millions of particles are also inbound.
