Selected Presentations (not up to date) |
On Age Spreads in Star Forming RegionsTalk at the "Star and Planet Formation Seminar" special workshopESO Garching, October 2012 |
Multi-Wavelength Studies of Massive Star Feedback and Triggered Star Formation in the Carina NebulaTalk at the international conference"ESO @ 50 - the first 50 years of ESO"ESO Garching, September 2012 |
Far-Infrared / sub-mm observations of the strongly irradiated clouds in the Carina Nebula, the nearest laboratory of massive star feedbackTalk at the international conference"Science with the Atacama Ptahfinder Experiment"Schloss Ringberg, February 2012 |
The multiplicity of young OB stars revealed by interferometryTalk at the international conference"Ten years of VLTI: from first fringes to core science"Garching, October 2011 |
Disks around low-mass stars in extreme environmentsTalk at the international conference"Formation and Early Evolution of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs"Garching, October 2011 |
The young stellar population in the Carina Nebula revealed by the Chandra Carina Complex ProjectTalk at the international conference"The X-ray Universe 2011"Berlin, June 2011 |
A panchromatic view of massive star feedback and triggered star formation in the Carina NebulaColloquium Talk at the Max Planck Institute for Radio AstronomyBonn, March 2011 |
New insights into the innermost regions of protoplanetary accretion disks around young stars with infrared interferometryInvited Talk at the International Meeting"Second Chinese-German Workshop on Star and Planet Formation"Kiel, July 2010 |
New results from infrared interferometric studies of the innermost parts of protoplanetary accretion disksTalk at the International Meeting"From circumstellar disks to planetary systems"Garching, November 2009 |
New Observational Constraints on the Formation of Massive Stars from Infrared InterferometryInvited Talk at the International Meeting"The Birth and Influence of Massive Stars"Prague, September 2009 |
Stellar feedback and triggered star formation in OB assocationsTalk at the international conference"12 Questions on Star and Massive Star Cluster Formation"ESO Garching, Germany, July 2007 |
Multiplicity of young stellar objects revealed by infrared interferometryTalk at the international conference"Multiplicity in Star Formation"Toronto, Canada, May 2007 |
The Origin of the X-ray emission from T Tauri starsReview Talk at the international conference''Coronae of Stars and Accretion Disks''Bonn, Germany, December 2006 |
On Age Spreads in Star Forming Regions |
Sequentially Triggered Star Formation in OB AssociationsInvited Talk at the IAU Symposium 237"Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM"Prague, Czech Republic, August 2006 |
Infrared Interferometry of Young Stellar ObjectsPresentation at the Max Planck Institute for RadioastronomyBonn, Germany, January 2006 |
The low-mass stellar populations in OB AssociationsInvited Review Talk at the conference"Protostars and Planets V"Hawaii, USA, October 2005 |
MIDI Observations of Herbig Ae/Be StarsLecture at the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Radio and Infrared Astronomy at the University of BonnBonn, Germany, September 2004 |
The Coronae of Very Young Stars: New Insights from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep ProjectInstitute Colloquium, Kiepenheuer-Institut für SonnenphysikFreiburg, Germany, November 2003 |
X-ray Emission from Brown DwarfsInvited Review Talk at the IAU Symposium 219"Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution, and Planets"Sydney, Australia, July 2003 |
X-ray Activity and Accretion in Young Stellar ObjectsInvited Review Talk at the International Workshop"Magnetic fields and star formation: theory versus observations"Madrid, Spain, April 2003 |
High-Resolution Infrared Imaging of Young Stellar ObjectsPresentation at the Max Planck Institute for RadioastronomyBonn, Germany, December 2002 |