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R. Gabler publications list

Publications in refereed journals

Gabler, R.: 1986, Expandierende sphärische Non-LTE Modellatmosphären, Diplom Thesis, Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München .
Gabler, R., Gabler, A., Kudritzki, R.P., Puls, J. and Pauldrach, A.W.A.: 1989, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including spherical extension and stellar winds: Method and first results., A & A, 226, 162.
Gabler, R., Kudritzki, R.P., Méndez, R.H.: 1991, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including spherical extension and stellar winds: II. EUV - fluxes and the HeII - Zanstra discrepancy in central stars of planetary nebulae., A & A, 245, 587.
Gabler, R.: 1991, Unified Model Atmospheres --- sphärisch ausgedehnte Sternatmosphären mit Windstruktur. Thesis, Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München .
Gabler, R., Gabler,A., Kudritzki, R.P., Méndez, R.H.: 1992, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including spherical extension and stellar winds: III. The EUV - fluxes of hot massive stars and HeII - emission in extragalactic giant HII regions., A & A, 265, 656.
Sellmaier, F., Puls, J., Kudritzki, R.P., Gabler, A., Gabler, R., Voels, S.A.: 1993, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including spherical extension and stellar winds: IV. Improved line transfer and wind contamination of H, He profiles., A & A, 273, 533.
Herrero, A.; Kudritzki, R. P.; Gabler, R.; Vilchez, J. M.; Gabler, A.: 1995, Fundamental parameters of galactic luminous OB stars. II. A spectroscopic analysis of HDE 226868 and the mass of Cygnus X-1.., A & A, 297, 556.
Puls, J., Kudritzki, R.P., Herrero, A., Haser, S., Lennon, D.J., Gabler, R., Voels, S., Wachter, S.: 1996, line formation and O - Star mass-loss rates in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds., A & A, 305, 171.


Publications in non-refereed journals

Pauldrach, A., Kudritzki, R.P., Gabler, R. and Wagner, A.: 1988, Radiation driven winds of central stars of planetary nebulae, L.Bianchi and R.Gilmozzi (eds.), Mass Outflows from Stars and Galactic Nuclei, p. 63. by Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Puls, J., Pauldrach, A., Kudritzki, R.P., Gabler, R. and Wagner, A.: 1988, Stellar Winds and the Spectrophotometry of Hot Stars, New Directions in Spectrophotometry. A meeting held in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 28-30, 1988. Editors, A.G. Davis Philip, Donald S. Hayes, Saul J. Adelman; Publisher, L. Davis Press, Schenectady, N.Y., 1988. LC # QB465 .N48 1988. ISBN # NONE P. 21, 1988.
Kudritzki, R.P., Gabler, A., Gabler, R., Groth, H.G., Pauldrach, A., Puls, J.: 1989, Model atmospheres and quantitative spectroscopy of luminous blue stars, Proc. IAU Coll. 113, "Physics of Luminous Blue Variables", ed. K. Davidson et al. p. 67.
Gabler, A., Gabler, R., Kudritzki, R.P.: 1989, On the use of  and He II 4686 as Massloss and Luminosity Indicators for hot Stars. Proc. IAU Coll. 113, "Physics of Luminous Blue Variables", ed. K. Davidson et al. p. 305.
Gabler, R., Gabler, A., Kudritzki, R.P., Pauldrach, A.W.A. and Puls, J.: 1989, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including spherical extension and stellar winds. Proc. IAU Coll. 113, "Physics of Luminous Blue Variables", ed. K. Davidson et al. p. 305.
Gabler, R., Gabler, A., Kudritzki, R.P., Pauldrach, A.W.A. and Puls, J.: 1989, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including stellar winds and spherical extension. Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. No. 3, p. 52. Abstr. of papers presented at the Fall meeting of the Astron. Gesellschaft, Graz (Austria) 12-15 Sep 1989.
Gabler, A., Gabler, R., Kudritzki, R.P.: 1989, On the use of and HeII 4686 as Massloss Indicators in Luminous Blue Stars. Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. No. 3, p. 67. Abstr. of papers presented at the Fall meeting of the Astron. Gesellschaft, Graz (Austria) 12-15 Sep 1989.
Gabler, R., Kudritzki, R.P.: 1990, Unified NLTE model atmospheres and the Zanstra discrepancy. Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. No. 4, p. 12. Accretion and Wind. Conference of the Astron. Gesellschaft, Berlin 27-29 Mar 1990.
Gabler, R., Gabler, A., Kudritzki, R.P., Puls, J., Pauldrach, A.: 1990, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including spherical extension and stellar winds. Properties of Hot Luminous Stars, p. 64, ed. C. Garmany, A.S.P. Conf. Ser. Vol.7.
Gabler, A., Gabler, R., Kudritzki, R.P., Puls, J., Pauldrach, A.: 1990, On the use of and HeII 4686 as Massloss and Luminosity Indicators for hot Stars. Properties of Hot Luminous Stars, p. 218, ed. C. Garmany, A.S.P. Conf. Ser. Vol.7.
Pauldrach, A.W.A., Puls, J., Gabler, R., Gabler, A.: 1990, Radiation driven wind of hot luminous Stars. IX. Constraints on the wind temperature of O-stars. Properties of Hot Luminous Stars, p. 171, ed. C. Garmany, A.S.P. Conf. Ser. Vol.7.
Gabler, R., Kudritzki, R.P., Méndez, R.H.: 1990, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including spherical extension and stellar winds. Proc. of the NATO workshop on stellar atmospheres, Trieste 1990, p. 143, Kluwer academic press.
Kudritzki, R.P., Gabler, R., Kunze, D., Pauldrach, A., Puls, J.: 1991a, Massive Stars in Starbursts, p. 59, ed. C. Leitherer, N. Walborn, T. Heckman, C. Norman, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Kudritzki, R.P., Puls, J., Gabler, R. and Schmitt, J.: 1991b, Hot stars - what can be learned from EUV spectroscopy. Proc. of the Berkely Colloquium on "Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy" , 1989, eds. R.F.Malina and S.Browyer, p.130, pergamom press.
Sellmaier, F., Puls, J., Gabler, A., Gabler, R., Kudritzki, R.P., Voels, S.A.: 1992, NLTE line formation in "unified" model atmospheres of hot stars: improved line tranfer and wind contamination of H, He profiles., Astron. Gesellschaft Abstract Ser., 7, 124.
Kudritzki, R.P., Lennon, D.J., Becker, S.R., Butler, K., Gabler, R., Haser, S., Hummer, D.G., Husfeld, D., Pauldrach, A.W.A., Puls, J., Voels, S., Walborn, N.R., Heap, S.R., Bohannan, B., Conti, P., Garmany, C.D., Baade, D.: 1992, Hot Stars And The HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE, in "Science with the HST", Sardinia Workshop 1992, ESO/ST-ECF series.
Voels, S. A.; Butler, K.; Gabler, R.; Groth, H. G.; Lennon, D. J.; Haser, S.; Hummer, D. G.; Husfeld, D.; Kudritzki, R. P.; Pauldrach, A., Puls, J., Baade, D., Walborn, N.R., Heap, S.R., Garmany, C.D., Conti, P.S., Bohannan, B.: 1992, FOS Spectra of OB-type Stars in the LMC , American Astronomical Society, 181st AAS Meeting, #19.08; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 24, p.1151.
Gabler, R., Gabler, A., Kudritzki, R.P., Méndez, R.H.: 1992, Unified Model Atmosphere Studies of Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae. Planetary nebulae: proceedings of the 155 Symposium of the International Astronomical Union; held in Innsbruck; Austria; July 1317; 1992. Edited by Ronald Weinberger and Agnes Acker. International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 155; Kluwer Academic Publishers; Dordrecht, p.82 .
Herrero, A., Becker, S.R., Gabler, R.: 1992, The Mass and Helium Discrepancies in Galactic and Extragalactic OB Massive Stars, Proc. of the third meeting on the feedback of stellar population on the chemical evolution of galaxies, Paris 12-19 october 1992, ed. S. Staszinska observatoire de Paris.
Lennon, D.J., Kudritzki, R.P., Haser, S.M., Pauldrach, A.W.A., Gabler, R.: 1994, NLTE and extended models for massive hot stars", Proc. of HST Calibration Workshop, Nov 15-17 1993, STScI Baltimore.
Gabler, A., Gabler, R.: 1994, Unified NLTE model atmospheres including metaks. A reanalysis of the O4f Star - Puppis. Astron. Ges. Abstr. Ser. No. 10, p. 162. Conference of the Astron. Gesellschaft, Potsdam 26-30 Sep 1994.


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