
Universitäts-Sternwarte München

Fakultät für Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität


Astrophysical lab course
for Master’s students

Winter semester 2024 / 2025

P 2.1/2 · WP 16.1/2 · WP 17.1/2
P 2.1 · WP 1.1 · WP 2.1/2


There will be a preparatory course providing an introduction to the computers and software systems used in the USM lab courses, taking place on Wednesday, October 9 and Friday, October 11 from 9:00 to 13:30 in the lecture hall of the Observatory, Scheinerstraße 1. This course is intended for students who have not yet taken a USM lab course. Participation is voluntary but highly recommended, in order to perform all required tasks during the lab. The →Registration deadline for this course is October 2nd.

General information:

Places and Times:
Tuesday 13:30–18:00, main lecture hall, ground floor, University Observatory, Scheinerstraße 1.
Briefing for winter semester 2024 / 2025:
Tuesday, 15th of October 2024, 13:30.
Note: Master’s students in astrophysics or physics who have already completed their first semester of labs do not have to participate in this briefing if they send email to the course organizers (Stella Seitz, Arno Riffeser) confirming that they will attend this course. You may request other students as possible partners for the labs (but there is no guarantee).
Date of first lab:
Tuesday, 22nd of October 2024, 13:30.
This lab course is for:
Master’s students in astrophysics and physics only.
LMU Bachelor’s students in physics can be admitted if they are already admitted to the Master’s program in astrophysics or physics and if we have enough tutors!
Students who have applied for the Master’s program in astrophysics or physics but have not been admitted cannot participate in this lab.
In case you have questions or need further information (regarding these lab courses):
Please contact Dr. Stella Seitz (stella_at_usm.lmu.de) or Dr. Arno Riffeser (arri_at_usm.lmu.de) by email.

Further information:

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